• Awareness

    You can not change the things you are not aware of and there are some things that don’t need to be changed at all. By bringing awareness to your own patterns and triggers you begin to identify the thoughts and feelings that draw you away from your true authenticity.

  • Emotional Intelligence

    Being able to understand how emotions operate within your body allows you to become more accepting of this powerful energy. I help you to embrace this emotional energy and offer techniques to help with regulation, connection, and release.

  • Acceptance

    You are designed as a unique individual and there are some things you can not change otherwise you wouldn’t be operating as yourself. Acceptance allows the energy to flow within you and offers an internal self love which in turn allows for more understanding and acceptance of others.


There are many coaches that focus on change. How to change and what needs to be changed in order for you to succeed, but my approach is quite different. I believe the main thing each person needs to embrace is acceptance. The knowing that you aren’t crazy and that there’s nothing wrong with you. I see you for who you are; a unique individual that needs to understand how energy affects you.

My approach is based on my life experience, I’ve had to do my own inner work to bring myself out of a dark place. I know first hand what it feels like to be in a dark place, in a marriage that was unfulfilling, all while trying to raise my child. I know how alone that felt and how hard it was to pull myself out of it. But I also know what it feels like to operate as myself. How to cultivate what I needed in order to find myself.

We are just now starting to understand how our bodies actually work. We are made of vibration, light, and energy and we are more energy than matter. Understanding this is the essential. By integrating the aspects of energy, design, self awareness, acceptance and compassion, I was able to find my way back to me. Human Design was a life saver for me, it felt like the missing link and explained the why’s. It allowed me to see how energy operated within my body. Because everyone is different. There are no two people alike. It allowed me to see the patterns of my “not self,” the self that has been conditioned to act in a certain way in order to be loved and accepted by others. It brought awareness to how other peoples’ energy affected me, and I was finally able to feel seen and heard for who I was. I was finally given the permission to act as my true authentic self and it made me realize that the more accepting I was of the things I could not and should not change the more accepting I was of others for the way in which they operate.

Connecting with my emotional energy was a huge part of my healing. I learned ways to release past emotions and how to better communicate with others so that they feel seen and heard as well. By connecting with and releasing emotions from my past, I was able to make peace with my stories and build a future based on connection.

Vibroacoustic Therapy gives me the upgrade I need when things start feeling chaotic and it brings balance and harmony to my internal state of being. It allows me to completely detach from my internal mind chatter and be 100% present. Vibroacoustic therapy works on subtle levels. Sound and vibration have the ability to affect us on a cellular level, allowing us to tune in to our own unique frequency. There is no other therapy that gives you this unique connection to your internal environment.

My goal is to encourage everyone’s unique different qualities, acknowledging that it’s what makes us different that needs to be celebrated. I want to empower you to live as your unique self and bring more awareness to the fact that it is these unique qualities that make you human and that they are all OK. I will give you practical resources, tools and insights into how to work with this energy so that you aren’t consumed by it and I will empower you to accept and embrace the things that make you, you. I want you to realize that there’s nothing inherently wrong with you, you just don’t understand the nature of energy and how it affects you. This is a journey and it doesn’t happen over night. It happens in small steps, with awareness, and it’s not always easy. But I’m here to join you and guide you on this journey, encouraging you along the way because nothing feels better than living life as your true authentic self!