
Human Design

I highly reccomend these readings when it comes to relationships.

Human Design allows you to understand why people are the way they are. It explains how other peoples energy may affect you and can help you see where you can become influenced by others and what to do about it. These readings go deep and help to explain things so you can finally come to the realization that there is nothing inherently wrong with you or them. It’s just that no one’s ever looked at it from an energetic perspective.

By understanding Human Design and how each persons energy operates, you can start accepting eachohter for who you are and stop taking things so personal. Becasue it’s not personal it energetic. I offer amazing tips and tools that will allow both people to be seen and heard, so that each person feels honnored and accepted.  

These readings are especially helpful when it comes to our partners and our children.

Now offering services at

Meditation Lounge

Allow soothings sounds and vibration to assist your body into a state of relaxation. This therapy can have profound effects on the body by releasing tension and emotional stress allowing you to fully embody the present moment.

Meditation has been proven to have numerous positive affects on our bodies, but most of us have a hard time sitting still, releasing the ever ending stream of thoughts. Here there’s nothing you have to do except lie down and enjoy a moment of stillness. When our bodies enter a state of relaxation this is where true healing can occur.

Benefits Include

Stress Reduction

Emotional Release

Immune System Boosting

Pain Reduction

Anxiety Relief

Entering a Meditative State

Connection to your Higher Self

Energetic Emotional Release

Trapped emotions can cause a variety of disturbances in the body. They distort the flow of energy and can become lodged within our organs.

Identifying and releasing trapped emotions in the body, helps the energy to flow more smoothly and can result in reduced levels of anxiety, reduction of pain, and more harmonious relationships.

This modality uncovers what the subconscious knows to be true.

Each session begins with loving intention and can be done either in person or at a distance.

Custom Packages & Girls Night In Events

Also Available

Book a free consultation with me to see how we can work together best.