Did you Notice the Shift?
Did you notice the shift?
You guys there has been a lot happening in the Astro field and I just have to get this out!
The Solar Eclipse:
It all started with the Solar Eclipse. The Darkening of the Light. There are a lot of things that are surfacing right now that if you haven’t dealt with they’re coming up big time. This means past hurt, past patterning, past trauma and a lot of childhood wounding. The universe is asking of us to deal with our pasts and cleanse the things that no longer serve us. And the things that no longer serve us are our limited beliefs about ourselves. We are astrologically being upgraded because the earth is moving into a higher frequency. Doing the inner work in order to release past trauma the is crucial to our survival. You will not be able to operate at the higher level while still carrying around baggage from the past.
Solar Flares:
These were essential as it forced us to look at our ego. What within our ego needed to change? What in the way in which we view our lives needed to change? Where have you been pushing with no results? This new frequency is not about pushing forward with force, it’s about flow and surrender realizing that you may not be as in control of your destiny as you thought.
Personal Experience :
During the times of the solar flares my Ego was on a rampage. I was operating heavy in the fear frequency and lack mentality. Pushing Pushing Pushing to find financial stability. I’m pushing and doing everything I can, working like a dog, 60+ hour weeks. This got me absolutely no where because I was operating in the wrong frequency. What happened is that I burnt out. I realized that I was going after all of the things that I didn’t want because I thought that’s what I needed to do to be financially secure. In this new frequency you cannot have financial security operating with a background frequency of I don’t have enough. This was a big lesson for me and lead to burn out and then to surrender. Because Pluto moved in and just threw a wrench into everything. Within the past 2 months I have started 3 jobs, quit 2 jobs, lost 1 job, moved, and established a new partnership for my business. That’s a lot of change! This was the universe teaching me about surrender, cause the new job I got came to me effortlessly and brings me peace and satisfaction.
Pluto came in to course correct and help reestablish your internal response mechanism. The lesson:
Stop saying yes to things that are really a no because you think they provide you with a sense of security.
The Full Moon Solstice:
Here’s where it all came together. You got the message, Slow Down. Your ego no longer runs the ship. Your inner guidance is now taking over. You are stepping into your power and your greatness. You’re recognizing what path you need to be on and are making steps in order to get there. And you realize that big change does not happen over night. This will take time so go at your own pace.
You are being forced to deal with what is no longer working, what is no longer serving you. Your inner turmoil is begging to be seen and begging to be recognized and it is coming up and disrupting your life. Life is being redirected for you. The more you push the past away, the more you move forward with your Ego, the more you operate in your not self body, the more challenges you will come across. This is the universes’ way of making you pay attention to the lessons you came here to learn. The universe is trying to upgrade your frequency from lower vibration to higher vibration. So pay attention to your current challenges. They are here to help you grow. Choose with your inner guidance. And that is different for everyone! It’s so important you understand your mechanics in the coming future! If you don’t know what how your inner guidance speaks to you, book a Human Design reading with me and start coming to my Human Design classes at Awakenings. This will give you some insight into how to operate as yourself.
The new Era:
This new era that we are moving into operates in the frequency of alignment. Thoughts, feelings, and actions have to be in alignment in order to get what it is you want. Our emotional center is the most powerful motor in our bodies. This center is what is undergoing a massive upgrade. This is why we are being challenged to meet our past traumas. We have to dispose of the past emotional trauma that keeps us from who we really are so that we can operate at our highest level and from our own inner guidance. It is imperative to understand your emotional triggers, so that you can operate with the compassion that is needed in order to change the world. The world and the structure of our world is falling away. Look around you. What used to work doesn’t work any more. The rules and laws of the past will not transfer over. Our world will continue to fall apart over the next 10 years. The new era is set to begin in 2027 so get ready for a bumpy ride. With this time of chaos and change its important to engage and give your energy to only the things that bring you peace, satisfaction, and joy. Focus on those things because we will be challenged more than ever on how we deal with these big shifts and how we react to the big changes that are happening and that are coming.
Peace, Satisfaction, and Joy live within YOU. Not the outside world. Our outside world will match our inside world. You can see that now. Our inner turmoil is the worlds outer reflection. The war between our thoughts and our emotions is the same as the wars surfacing in the world. Do the inner work, release the past, recognize your triggers, and start to raise your internal vibration. That in turn will change your outer world. Although difficult and challenging it is not impossible. But this is really is our greatest challenge as humanity. Dealing with our past, releasing the genetic trauma, that keeps us from who we really are.
The reason I do what I do is because I know this shift is happening now and we need tools in order to release our past. I’ve done a lot of my own inner work, and I continue to grow and change daily.
I have so many tools in my kit and a whole lot of experience with retraining the mind, and rewriting my story. Please reach out! I am here to help.